Social Media Metrics Used in Reports

Social Media Metrics Used in Reports

Learn about these metrics that we use in reporting and analytics.

  1. Clicks - number of clicks on links in social post/campaign share/share button
  2. Engagements - number of unique people who clicked, liked, commented or shared a social post
  3. Conversions - the number of visits to a page containing the ‘lead’ or ‘sale’ conversion pixel that resulted from the click of a link in a social post/campaign share/share button
  4. Like/Favorites - the number of unique people who expressed that they like, enjoy or support a social post by way of clicking on the Like/Favorite button on a social post
  5. Revenue - the amount of product/service sales as a result of a social post/campaign share/share button based on visits to a page containing the ‘sale’ conversion pixel
  6. Leads - The number of visits to a page containing the ‘lead’ conversion pixel that resulted from the click of a link in a social post/campaign share/share button
  7. Sales - The number of visits to a page containing the ‘sale’ conversion pixel that resulted from the click of a link in a social post/campaign share/share button
  8. Comments - a type of engagement from a social post where the user expresses his opinion/reaction on the social content of a social post
  9. Shares/Retweets - a type of engagement from a social post where the user recommends and shares a social post

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